Method Expressions

A method expression is made up of the prefixes: findBy, findAllBy, countBy followed by the expression that combines a query upon one or more properties:


If a conditional keyword is not passed, we assume you want equality. Remember that!


The available conditionals in ColdBox are:

  • LessThanEquals - Less than or equal to passed value

  • LessThan - Less than to passed value

  • GreaterThanEquals - Greater than or equal to passed value

  • GreaterThan - Greater than to passed value

  • Like - Equivalent to the SQL like expression

  • NotEqual - Not equal to the passed value

  • isNull - The property must be null

  • isNotNull - The property must not be null

  • NotBetween - The property value must not be between two values

  • Between - The property value must be between two values

  • NotInList - The property value must not be in the passed in simple list or array

  • inList - The property value must be in the passed in simple list or array


The only valid operators are:

  • And

  • Or

Last updated

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