
The Mementifier module is a dependency of cborm and it is used to extract the state of ORM objects into a digestible format that can be used for auditing or conversion to JSON or other formats. You can find the latest documentation here:

Mementifier : The State Maker!

Welcome to the mementifier module. This module will transform your business objects into native ColdFusion (CFML) data structures with 🚀 speed. It will inject itself into ORM objects and/or business objects alike and give them a nice getMemento() function to transform their properties and relationships (state) into a consumable structure or array of structures. It can even detect ORM entities and you don't even have to write the default includes manually, it will auto-detect all properties. No more building transformations by hand! No more inconsistencies! No more repeating yourself!

Memento pattern is used to restore state of an object to a previous state or to produce the state of the object.

You can combine this module with cffractal ( and build consistent and fast 🚀 object graph transformations.

Module Settings

Just open your config/Coldbox.cfc and add the following settings into the moduleSettings struct under the mementifier key:

// module settings - stored in
moduleSettings = {
	mementifier = {
		// Turn on to use the ISO8601 date/time formatting on all processed date/time properites, else use the masks
		iso8601Format = false,
		// The default date mask to use for date properties
		dateMask      = "yyyy-MM-dd",
		// The default time mask to use for date properties
		timeMask      = "HH:mm: ss",
		// Enable orm auto default includes: If true and an object doesn't have any `memento` struct defined
		// this module will create it with all properties and relationships it can find for the target entity
		// leveraging the cborm module.
		ormAutoIncludes = true


The memementifier will listen to WireBox object creations and ORM events in order to inject itself into target objects. The target object must contain a this.memento structure in order for the mementifier to inject a getMemento() method into the target. This method will allow you to transform the entity and its relationships into native struct/array/native formats.

this.memento Marker

Each entity must be marked with a this.memento struct with the following (optional) available keys:

this.memento = {
	// An array of the properties/relationships to include by default
	defaultIncludes = [],
	// An array of properties/relationships to exclude by default
	defaultExcludes = [],
	// An array of properties/relationships to NEVER include
	neverInclude = [],
	// A struct of defaults for properties/relationships if they are null
	defaults = {},
	// A struct of mapping functions for properties/relationships that can transform them
	mappers = {}

Default Includes

This array is a collection of the properties and/or relationships to add to the resulting memento of the object by default. The mementifier will call the public getter method for the property to retrieve its value. If the returning value is null then the value will be an empty string. If you are using CF ORM and the ormAutoIncludes setting is true (by default), then this array can be auto-populated for you, no need to list all the properties.

defaultIncludes = [
	// Relationships

Automatic Include Properties

You can also create a single item of [ "*" ] which will tell the mementifier to introspect the object for all properties and use those instead for the default includes.

defaultIncludes = [ "*" ]

Also note the ormAutoIncludes setting, which if you are using a ColdFusion ORM object, we will automatically add all properties to the default includes.

Custom Includes

You can also define here properties that are NOT part of the object graph, but determined/constructed at runtime. Let's say your User object needs to have an avatarLink in it's memento. Then you can add a avatarLink to the array and create the appropriate getAvatarLink() method. Then the mementifier will call your getter and add it to the resulting memento.

defaultIncludes = [

* Get the avatar link for this user.
string function getAvatarLink( numeric size=40 ){
	return variables.avatar.generateLink( getEmail(), arguments.size );

Nested Includes

The DefaultIncldues array can also include nested relationships. So if a User has a Role relationship and you want to include only the roleName property, you can do role.roleName. Every nesting is demarcated with a period (.) and you will navigate to the relationship.

defaultIncludes = [

Default Excludes

This array is a declaration of all properties/relationships to exclude from the memento state process.

defaultExcludes = [

Nested Excludes

The DefaultExcludes array can also declare nested relationships. So if a User has a Role relationship and you want to exclude the roleID property, you can do role.roleId. Every nesting is demarcated with a period (.) and you will navigate to the relationship and define what portions of the nested relationship can be excluded out.

defaultExcludes = [

Never Include

This array is used as a last line of defense. Even if the getMemento() call receives an include that is listed in this array, it will still not add it to the resulting memento. This is great if you are using dynamic include and exclude lists. You can also use nested relationships here as well.

neverInclude = [


This structure will hold the default values to use for properties and/or relationships if at runtime they have a null value. The key of the structure is the name of the property and/or relationship. Please note that if you have a collection of relationships (array), the default value is an empty array by default. This mostly applies if you want complete control of the default value.

defaults = {
	"role" : {},
	"office" : {}


This structure is a way to do transformations on actual properties and/or relationships after they have been added to the memento. This can be post-processing functions that can be applied after retrieval. The key of the structure is the name of the property and/or relationship. The value is a closure that receives the item and it must return back the item mapped according to your function.

mappers = {
	"lname" = function( item ){ return item.ucase(); },
	"specialDate" = function( item ){ return dateTimeFormat( item, "full" ); }

getMemento() Method

Now that you have learned how to define what will be created in your memento, let's discover how to actually get the memento. The injected method to the business objects has the following signaure:

struct function getMemento(
	struct mappers={},
	struct defaults={},
	boolean ignoreDefaults=false

You can find the API Docs Here:

As you can see, the memento method has also a way to add dynamic includes, excludes, mappers and defaults. This will allow you to add upon the defaults dynamically.

Ignoring Defaults

We have also added a way to ignore the default include and exclude lists via the ignoreDefaults flag. If you turn that flag to true then ONLY the passed in includes and excludes will be used in the memento. However, please note that the neverInclude array will always be used.

Overriding getMemento()

You might be in a situation where you still want to add custom magic to your memento and you will want to override the injected getMemento() method. No problem! If you create your own getMemento() method, then the mementifier will inject the method as $getMemento() so you can do your overrides:

struct function getMemento(
	struct mappers={},
	struct defaults={},
	boolean ignoreDefaults=false
	// Call mementifier
	var memento	= this.$getMemento( argumentCollection=arguments );

	// Add custom data
	if( hasEntryType() ){
		memento[ "typeSlug" ] = getEntryType().getTypeSlug();
		memento[ "typeName" ] = getEntryType().getTypeName();

	return memento;

Results Mapper

This feature was created to assist in support of the cffractal results map format. It will process an array of objects and create a returning structure with the following specification:

  • results - An array containing all the unique identifiers from the array of objects processed

  • resultsMap - A struct keyed by the unique identifier containing the memento of each of those objects.


// becomes
var data = {
    "results" = [
    "resultsMap" = {
        "F29958B1-5A2B-4785-BE0A11297D0B5373" = {
            "id" = "F29958B1-5A2B-4785-BE0A11297D0B5373",
            "name" = "foo"
        "42A6EB0A-1196-4A76-8B9BE67422A54B26" = {
            "id" = "42A6EB0A-1196-4A76-8B9BE67422A54B26",
            "name" = "bar"

Just inject the results mapper using this WireBox ID: ResultsMapper@mementifier and call the process() method with your collection, the unique identifier key name (defaults to id) and the other arguments that getMemento() can use. Here is the signature of the method:

 * Construct a memento representation using a results map. This process will iterate over the collection and create a
 * results array with all the identifiers and a struct keyed by identifier of the mememnto data.
 * @collection The target collection
 * @id The identifier key, defaults to `id` for simplicity.
 * @includes The properties array or list to build the memento with alongside the default includes
 * @excludes The properties array or list to exclude from the memento alongside the default excludes
 * @mappers A struct of key-function pairs that will map properties to closures/lambadas to process the item value.  The closure will transform the item value.
 * @defaults A struct of key-value pairs that denotes the default values for properties if they are null, defaults for everything are a blank string.
 * @ignoreDefaults If set to true, default includes and excludes will be ignored and only the incoming `includes` and `excludes` list will be used.
 * @return struct of { results = [], resultsMap = {} }
function process(
	required array collection,
	struct mappers={},
	struct defaults={},
	boolean ignoreDefaults=false

Copyright Since 2005 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp

Last updated

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