Our active entity object will also give you access to our validation engine by giving your ORM entities the following functions:
* Validate the ActiveEntity with the coded constraints -> this.constraints, or passed in shared or implicit constraints
* The entity must have been populated with data before the validation
* @fields.hint One or more fields to validate on, by default it validates all fields in the constraints. This can be a simple list or an array.
* @constraints.hint An optional shared constraints name or an actual structure of constraints to validate on.
* @locale.hint An optional locale to use for i18n messages
* @excludeFields.hint An optional list of fields to exclude from the validation.
boolean function isValid(string fields="*", any constraints="", string locale="", string excludeFields="");
* Get the validation results object. This will be an empty validation object if isValid() has not being called yet.
coldbox.system.validation.result.IValidationResult function getValidationResults();
Important In order for validation to work, WireBox ORM entity injection must be enabled first!
ColdBox ORM Entity Injection
WireBox Standalone ORM Entity Injection
This makes it really easy for you to validate your ORM entities.
property name="Messagebox" inject="id:messagebox@cbmessagebox";
function index(event,rc,prc){
prc.users = entityNew("User").list(sortOrder="lastName asc");
function save(event,rc,prc){
var user = populateModel( entityNew("User").get( rc.id ) );
if( user.isValid() {
flash.put("notice","User Saved!");
function editor(event,rc,prc){
prc.user = entityNew("User").get( rc.id );
function delete(event,rc,prc){
entityNew("User").deleteById( rc.id );
flash.put("notice","User Removed!");
Please refer to the ORM:BaseORMService for all the cool methods and functionality you can use with Active Entity. Like always, refer to the latest CFC Docs for methods and arguments.