
The following are vanilla configurations for enabling the ORM in ColdFusion:

// Enable ORM
this.ormEnabled       = true;
// ORM Datasource
this.datasource          = "contacts";
// ORM configuration settings
this.ormSettings      = {
    // Location of your entities, default is your convention model folder
    cfclocation = ["models"],
    // Choose if you want ORM to create the database for you or not?
    dbcreate    = "none",
    // Log SQL or not
    logSQL         = true,
    // Don't flush at end of requests, let Active Entity manage it for you
    flushAtRequestEnd = false,
    // Don't manage session, let Active Entity manage it for you
    autoManageSession = false,
    // Active ORM events
    eventHandling       =  true,
    // Use the ColdBox WireBox Handler for events
    eventHandler = "cborm.models.EventHandler"

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